Electric Circuit

Tasweeb Fatima
2 min readAug 21, 2021

Do you have a lamp in your home. Sometimes, it will probably make you wonder how it works. It seems easy. You just press a switch and the light goes on and when you press again the light goes off. Well what’s really making the light go on and off? Well today I am here to tell you that. LET’S DIVE IN!

Electric Circuit
Electric Circuit

What’s really making the light turn ON?

Well it’s electricity that makes it happen! BUT HOW? Well there is a battery called power source and a bulb. The electricity travels from the battery to the bulb. But remember everything needs a path. Like electricity can’t just jump from the battery to the bulb; it needs a path. And this path is called a circuit.

So circuit a wire that electricity goes through. Now hold on a sec. I know the word circuit reminds you of the shape circle. We call the wire circuit because in a circle there are no spaces. It’s just round. And a circuit needs to have no spaces. Or it won’t work. And the bulb is not gonna light up. So when the switch is ON, the circuit is complete and bulb is turned ON.

Electric Circuit
Complete/Closed Electric Circuit

What really makes the bulb turn off?

Yup this seems easy too. Just press a button and the bulb goes off. What’s really happening there? Well remember when I told you earlier that a circuit can’t be completed if there are any spaces in it. Well that’s what’s happening. When we press the switch again, the switch makes a space in the circuit. And we know when there’s space in circuit, then it’s not complete and so the bulb won’t light up.

Open/In-complete Electric Circuit

And that’s the process.

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