Plant’s Kitchen: How do plants make their food

Tasweeb Fatima
2 min readOct 9, 2022


Hey there! I hope you guys are doing well and are ready to learn about a new topic! Today we are going to spend some time learning about plant’s kitchen. How do plants make their food. In fact, they do that through photosynthesis. I know that not everyone is familiar with this word. And trust me, Photosynthesis doesn’t need to do anything with taking photos! So dive into an interesting topic and learn what photosynthesis is all about.

What is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process of how plants make their own food. For photosynthesis to take place plants need sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, and chlorophyll.

What happens in photosynthesis

In photosynthesis, the first task plants do is drink water. You might wonder where the plant gets the water from. They get water from soil. They use their roots to drink water up into its leaves. Veins throughout the leaves carry the water to all of the plant cells. But the plant doesn’t only drink water, it absorbs carbon dioxide. On the bottom of each leaf tiny holes called stomata are surrounded by guard cells. The guard cells open and close the stomata so the plant can absorb carbon dioxide.

A plant’s job is probably harder than you thought! And guess what, it’s not even finished yet! So far our plant has water and carbon dioxide. When those two ingredients find their way to the chloroplasts that’s when the process of photosynthesis really begins! I know you might be wondering what chloroplasts are. Chloroplasts are sort of like the plant’s kitchen. Chloroplasts is where Chlorophyll is stored and where photosynthesis takes place.

The plant uses its chlorophyll to absorb sunlight. The chlorophyll uses the sun’s energy to cook the water and carbon dioxide. When the recipe of photosynthesis is finally complete, the plant has made sugar and oxygen. And that’s the oxygen that we breathe in!


Guys, today we learned a lot about photosynthesis and how photosynthesis works. I hope that you had fun and learned something new!



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